Tom Rath: Eat, move, and sleep your way to better business and life

be intrepid. show

Summary: Several years ago, Mrs. Schnick got me Tom Rath's Strengthsfinder 2.0, and I became a fan. So, I was very pleased when Tom joined me for today's show to discuss his latest, Eat Move Sleep. Tom Rath is a New York Times best-selling author, researcher with Gallup, and speaker. This is a little different than the usual fare on this show, but my fellow hard-working entrepreneurs, I wanted to share Tom Rath with you so that we can all be better at life and business. Here are some key discussion notes from today's conversation: 1. Tom shares his very personal health struggles and the steps he takes to live long enough to spend quality time with his children. 2. The long-held sex appeal of the entrepreneurial 80-hour work week and pulling all-nighters is actually killing us. Is our culture changing? 3. People have endless knowledge available for free online to live healthy lives. They just aren't reading and doing anything about it. Can we change? 4. Our life story depends on small, seemingly insignificant daily decisions and habits. Are you making the right ones? 5. Focusing on better eating, frequent movement, and eight hours of good sleep make you more creative, better at relationships, a better manager, a better parent, and well....better at life. Period. 6. Tom shares two VERY SIMPLE changes you can make RIGHT NOW to turn the corner to a life of wellness. 7. And Tom also shares some VERY COUNTERINTUITIVE notions that will blow your mind. 8. Tom talks about the notion that you cannot focus on eating, and neglect everything else. Working better eating, frequent movement, and eight hours of sleep into your life works wonders when they happen in concert together. And honestly, focusing on all three IS EASIER TO EXECUTE, believe it or not. 9. Finally, Tom talks about the simple mindset shifts one must take, and making simple decisions, that can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. 10. Find a critical health assessment and other online tools at You can find Tom's book here (affiliate link): ### To hear from other intrepid souls like Tom Rath, please SUBSCRIBE to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 100.