GGP 032 – Gun Girls and Their Favorite Plates

Gun Girl Radio | Firearms Show for the 2nd Amendment Woman, Women's Shooting Sports show

Summary: This episode of Gun Girl Radio is all about plates, and we’re not talking steel targets, but rather favorite food dishes! Tune in as Randi Rogers and Julie Golob take a break from guns and shooting and share what food fuels Randi and Julie both in competition and at home. The hosts start off with some of their favorite foods as well as how they eat while traveling and shooting. They share snacks that both store well and taste great on the range, the craziest foods they have ever eaten as well as go over a whole host of favorites. Main Topic: Gun Girls Favorite Plates- Food Plates Favorite Childhood Meal/ Throwback meal Favorite Meal of the Day Main Dishes - last supper? Shooting/Hunting Snacks Range Food Favorite Game Recipes Cooking Tips Craziest things Gun Girls have Eaten Links : Randi's Grandmother's Chili Listener Questions: Tom J: Good day gun girls. Randy I have a question for you. How did you like the episode you did on TAC TV with the Glock torture test and were you surprised as I was how reliable the Glock is? Because of that episode on the torture test of the Glock I\'m thinking about getting one. Also because of you two gun girls I\'m thinking about getting in to competition next year. Keep up the good work with the podcast shot sight and safe. P.S. Randy should've shot first Matt : Hey Ladies, I have a question about your ammo show.Great timing by the way. How much cushion do you leave yourselves over minimum powerfactor? Before Bianchi I was 100-120 over using 2 different chromos. After my first day of shooting I was hit for chrono there. Not a good feeling on your maiden voyage. Luckily their gun was a wore out 4\" 66 which explained my getting flagged. My vcomp only made pf by 23fps on their chrono. Made me wonder how much to pad myself without going too high. Thanks and have an awesome holiday season! take care,Matt Raccoon1969: I listened to episode 31 yesterday after seeing it on the IDPA blog, sorry it took so long. I listen to several other shows from FRN and didn't think I had time to add one more.  But after listening to you two on #31 I have added this to my must listen list.  I shot my first IDPA match 2 years ago the day after Thanksgiving and got hooked.  The BUG nationals were my very first national level match, and I loved it.  And agree with what you said about the match.  The reason I have added this to my listening list is they way you two interact with each other, that is great to find two people that work so well together. Earl  How to train when it is cold and raining. This episode of Gun Girl Radio was brought to you by… A Girl & A Gun Women’s Shooting League –