Behold a Pale Horse, the Movie, with Director Chuck Untersee

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Summary: Tony interviews Chuck Untersee, director of the documentary movie, Behold A Pale Horse, which features Charlie Daniels and several well-known advocates on preparing for the future including Gerald Celente, Jim Marrs, Joel Skousen, Lt. General William Boykin, Dr. Katherine Albrecht and Dr. Stan Monteith.  This movie exposes the socialistic agenda end game of the U.S. Government and draws numerous parallels of how this is occurring with amazing similarity to the communist takeover of Post-World War 2 Romania; as recounted by Elena Chitta who lived through it. The movie is a wake-up call to U. S. citizens to begin preparing for a very different America, and encourages listeners to find the courage to speak out about what is happening and warn others to prepare while they still have the opportunity to do so.  Tony believes this movie is the single best tool preppers can use to WAKE-UP their family and friends to Snap Out of the Normalcy Bias and prepare for the next Black Swap Event with a Life Assurance Plan. Guest:  Chuck Untersee, Director of Behold A Pale Horse Visit