Universal Skills that Impact Your Business with Sebastian Marshall

Unmistakable Creative - Candid Conversations with Creative Entrepreneurs and Insanely Interesting People show

Summary: Sebastian Marshall leads a tribe of funded startup founders, nonprofit directors, progressive managers, writers, artists, skilled professionals, attorneys and physicians, freelancers, and engineers. His passion for history has resulted in a very distinctive writing style. In this interview, you'll learn about the universal skills  you need to develop to have a significant impact on both your life and business. Here are some highlights from our chat: * The GiveGetWin Non-Profit Project (http://blogcastfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Sebastian_Coffee_Twitter_size-199x300.jpg) * Why Sebastian Didn't Specialize * The Challenges of Being a Generalist * How to Get Opportunities to Consult with Startups * Why Specialization Makes It Easy to Market Yourself * The Power of Working in Multiple Sides of a Business * Developing Universal Skills that Make You More Effective * The 2 Critical Elements of Mastering Your Craft * Why You Must Learn to Control Your Impulses * A Look at How Sebastian Organizes His Day-to-Day * Several Productivity Hacks that You Can Apply Immediately * The Infinite Opportunity Costs of the Choices You Make * Why It Takes 1-3 Years to Be Truly Organized * The 3 Levels That You Could Be at for Intros to Others * The Role of Literature from the 1800s * The Power of 1 Person to Make an Incredible Difference  * The Role that Resiliency Plays in Your Ability to Succeed Resources and Links Mentioned Include:  * The Principles of Creativity Poster (https://selz.com/items/detail/524e0fbda1416c015c64e20f) * Scientifically Proven Advice for Becoming Happier (http://blogcastfm.com/blogcastfm/tapping-into-your-unconscious-positive-genius-with-shawn-acor/) * How to Consistently Write 1000 Words a Day (http://www.searchenginejournal.com/how-to-consistently-write-1000-words-a-day/) * The Self Control App (http://selfcontrolapp.com/) * The Secret Weapon (http://www.thesecretweapon.org) * The Final Version Time Management System (http://markforster.squarespace.com/) * Give and Take by Adam Grant (http://www.amazon.com/Give-Take-Revolutionary-Approach-Success-ebook/dp/B00AFPTSI0) * Getting Things Done in an Irrational World (http://sebastianmarshall.com/getting-things-done-in-an-irrational-world-beijing-barcamp) Sebastian Marshall (http://www.sebastianmarshall.com/)'s goal is to help people increase their resourcefulness, resources, and have more impact with the resources they've got. You can follow him on twitter @sebastmarsh (https://twitter.com/sebastmarsh). If you liked this article, would you share it with your friends? Just click here (http://clicktotweet.com/etIhs) to post it to Twitter.