The Business Stylist® Podcast Episode 5

The Business Stylist® Podcast show

Summary: Brand Spotlight: Interview with The Mojo Coach® In this episode I share an interview I did with Debi Silber, about what has happened in her business since she adopted her brand as The Mojo Coach®. We discuss the importance of having an authentic brand, how a unique and compelling brand name can be more powerful than just marketing your various "tools" or generic job titles, why it's so important to live your brand and be congruent in everything you do, and how a strong brand can lead to many opportunities you wouldn't otherwise get. This episode is a little bit longer than my usual episodes, but the content is well worth it. I hope you find it inspiring and informational! Debbie LaChusa, The Business Stylist® created The Business Stylist® Podcast to help coaches, consultants, and other service professionals learn how to package their services, how to brand themselves and their business, how to market, and how to sell with integrity. Every week, Debbie shares bite-sized marketing strategies to help busy service-based business professionals makeover (or design) their business, brand, and marketing so they “fit” them to a T and more effectively attract their ideal clients. The result? A more enjoyable, successful, and profitable business!