CoinsiderThis Show 9 – Value, Volatility and Viruses

Coinsider This! A bitcoin podcast for everyone! show

Summary: After another hiatus, the show has returned with news, information, and an apology for the extended absence. Hey! Can you believe the price of these Bitcoins? We discuss the increase in price, the reasons behind the rapid climb, and the way that the increased value of Bitcoin is changing everything from purchasing power to mining. Patrick has been mining with some small block erupters for a few weeks as an experience. He also shares a sad story about what can happen if you don't start taking your Bitcoin security strategy seriously, from the loss of a wallet, to a forgotten password, to new malware that is targeting Bitcoin owners. Download MP3  (23.3MB, 48:26)   Below are links to the resources mentioned in this show: Bitcoin hits $500  - Bitcoin value increases 50x in 12 months CryptoLocker Bitcoin Virus  - the virus that holds your files hostage for Bitcoin Silk Road Seized Coins  - see how the FBI moved DPR's Bitcoin, 324 at a time Mining difficulty growth  - check out some stats on the network hashing power and difficulty Recalescence Coins - pure silver physcial Bitcoins that are a beautiful and fun way to share Bitcoin with friends T-Shirt Design Contest - design a t-shirt for the show and win a pure silver Recalescence Coin with 1 BTC of value! I'd love to get feedback on the show - what did you like and what did you not like? Feel free to send questions, articles, topics or anything else to me directly at If you enjoyed the show, coinsider letting me know with a tip! Bitcoin Tip Address for this show: 1GSepNwHeJw9AUxayQgdP25bP8hHvrCwiD