When Will 3D Photography Become Common? Episode 56

Polarizing Images show

Summary: We've been on a pretty good tear, lately. Awesome topics and disagreements among the hosts. Some of our best shows ever! And, we think, today is no exception. Rick is the one behind tonight's topic and he asks a simple question: will (or when) will 3D photography become common? And we get off onto a discussion about what's causing the delay in the adoption of it. Is it the lack of technology? The lack of standards? The cost? The inability to use 3D filming to enhance the story instead of being the story? The fact that the porn industry hasn't adopted it yet? For over a century, we've understood how the mind process visual information to create the 3D effect. But the technologies that have been used to create it or to consume it has changed. But we still have to have some sort of gear in order to "see" it. Whether it's paper glasses with the red and green lenses, lenticular lenses, etc., we still have to wear something or use a bulky piece of gear to experience 3D. But, possibly, we may have the answer in Google Glass. Sure, you're going to look like a complete frickin' dork wearing them, but if they can create a 3D HUD (heads up display), we may finally have a practical piece of 3D equipment that can get us past the tipping point of acceptance. As for being fashionable, if we as a culture accepted polyester leisure suits as fashionable, Google Glass stands a good chance of being considered chic. What do you think? What would it take for you to fully embrace 3D photography? Does it need to be cheaper? Does it need to have a real purpose to it? Or do you care at all? Let us know in the comments section below, will ya? Our artist for today is James Cameron. Dude does some crazy stuff, including epic movies like Avatar (designed for 3D, BTW). But it still gets us back to the idea that 3D photography is still about the effect and not the image. Until then, it's pretty pointless. Oh, and Celine Dion is the Justin Beaver of Canada (yes, we know it's Bieber, so you have to listen to get the joke).