279 Family From The Heart – Who Was In The Mirror?

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Summary: In this episode, Cliff and Stephanie talk about the following: - Falling Trees - Thor - Going to see Catching Fire - Twilight Stuff - The Hobbit - Doctor Who - Frozen - Fitness Update - FitBit Group - http://gspn.tv/fitbitgroup - FitBit Affiliate Link: http://gspn.tv/fitbitlink - McKenna will have a friend just a few houses down. - no show next week - Podcasting A to Z - White Collar - Meagan Turing 14 - ipad mini with Retina - Fr. Roderick's book - http://gspn.tv/geekpriest Special Thanks to the folks at TV Talk for sponsoring this episode of Family From The Heart. Take the enjoyment of your favorite tv shows to the next level. Learn more at TVTalk.com. Thanks For Subscribing To Family From The Heart: