Help these People B4 Disasters!

Don Woods show

Summary: Terrible situation in The Phillipines… these things make me so angry…..there are Sheiks with billions …greedy bankers with billions…footballers with billions….how about them putting up the money to build these people shelters BEFORE the event…they wouldn’t even miss the money…this should all be sorted beforehand ….we know it’s coming … but oh no ordinary folk must get involved…we can’t have these “princes” doing without the odd solid gold Rolls Royce….and Beckham has just moved into his 40 million pound mansion…he’s also made an advert about his own brand of after shave…it’s a real throw up job. The Children In Need Appeal has been in full flight … with Terry Wogan at the helm…..WHY?....there are many top class young presenters out there so why do we have to constantly put up with Sir Terry with his unfunny quips looking totally ill at ease in the suit he has squeezed into….I’ve always failed to see what it is about Wogan…totally talentless as far as I’m concerned…call it a day Tel and give us all a break. At least Brucie is talented…. but well past his sell-by date on Strictly Come Dancing….he’s painful. Blackpool hired Gary Barlow and Jonathan Ross to switch the lights on….I’m O.K. with Gary but why they book that grinning village idiot I’ll never know…again I wish someone would tell me what talent he has…Oh Yes he’s a chat show host…ANYONE can do that… point is proved in as much as the Blackpool Council decided to charge a tenner to see these celebs…and LOST 375 Grand!!...which make you wonder what Mr Ross’s fee was? When I was working on Radio Merseyside I was asked by the people of Ellesmere Port if I would attend their annual function and crown the May Queen…I felt quite honoured…so along I went and was treated like a local celeb….they then asked me what the fee was…to which I told them a nice cup of tea would do the trick…they then said that the year before they had another local radio personality (who will remain nameless) who charged them £750….and THI is the problem with the planet. ..And finally someone sent me an article from the Daily Mail regarding my mate…wrestler Adrian Street…who once had a novelty wrestling match with Jimmy Savile back in 1971…they were trying to promote Jimmy as a tough guy who had trained with the Marines etc…I remember Adrian telling me about it…he wasn’t happy and made sure Mr. Savile never stepped in the ring again…he nearly killed him…which is why I never sent Jimmy any of the records I wrote and produced for my violent friend….. …. Don't Forget….Don's been working on a doowop song for a new friend in the States….His name is Doowop Joe Conroy and he has a internet radio station in North Carolina...he checked out Don's website and noticed Don writes novelty songs. He asked Don to write one about all the doowop groups….….the song is called “DooWop Days” and can be found on YouTube……