Episode 23: Extremely Timely Ultraman Podcast

lowvisibility show

Summary: We've nearly skipped fall and gone to winter in this latest episode of Low Visibility, which will cover the first six episodes of Ultraman Ginga. This episode was recorded roughly a week after those episodes aired, but sat on Lynx's hard drive since then due to a laughable onslaught of deadlines. If you listen, bear in mind the incidental chatter will be about three months out of date. This episode's release coincides roughly with the second half of Ginga beginning to air last week. Here's a link to the New York Times article we discuss during the show. There don't seem to be any other spoiler warnings necessary for this episode, but let us know if that's not the case. As usual, you can send us your questions, concerns,and criticisms to lowvisibilitypodcast@gmail.com. You can also catch us on the now-updating-regularly Low Visibility tumblr, our ask.fm page, the Low Visibility Facebook page, or @lowvisibility on Twitter. Next episode: a double-sized Kamen Rider Wizard extravaganza.