Natural Moms Podcast #138

Natural Moms Talk Radio » Podcast show

Summary: My guest this week is Dr. Denise Lamothe, clinical psychologist, doctor of holistic health and the Bach Resident Psychologist. She is also author of the popular book, The Taming of the Chew. Dr. Denise is talking with us today about Bach Flower essences, especially for use with kids. Bach Flower essences are natural plant essences which are used to restore emotional balance. They are safe, not habit forming and are used around the world. You can learn more about using Bach Flowers for kids  at (Note from Carrie: Last week when my youngest had some dental work, she asked for Rescue Remedy specifically. I had given her an OTC pain reliever for soreness in her mouth, but she didn’t want another dose. She wanted the Rescue Remedy instead!) Mentioned on the show: Bach Flower Essence Remedy Chooser and Bach Flower Essences Emotional Eating Support Kit