MFM – Ep 29: Yaros Pacheco sells websites to help new marketers make money

Your Boss Blows - Learn how to Earn Money Online through affiliate marketing, niche blogging, SEO, selling online, make money show

Summary: On today’s Mike From Maine Show I interview Yaros Pacheco about how he makes money selling sites on Flippa. He also talks about his new product Web Cash Stream where he sells pre-made sites to new Internet marketers. What’s in the interview? 1. What kind of sites is Yaros selling? 2. Where is this “limitless” traffic coming from? 3. How many of these sites does Yaros use himself? Stuff mentioned in the show Web Cash Stream (affiliate)- Yaros’ pre-made websites and marketing system for making money online. Originally Posted by Gudini Already bought it a couple of days ago and THIS PRODUCT IS A KILLER!!! You get so much for so little. This is an amazing package!! Can't believe you're giving ALL this away for so little… this is saving WEEKS worth of work. Finishing withme first reseller site - cannot wait to see what is to come from this. I'm surprised you also don’t market this product on Clickbank! Originally Posted by djaro I am just amazed from this product, I have bought many WSOs but this is the BEST THING EVER! I am really excited about this. Originally Posted by areoo Base on the 3 things above, can you imagine??? Its like you are paying him to give you money and more money. This WSO has already done 95% of the work for you. basically all you need to do is just copy and paste and click and click. and you are done. This is a no brainer, It will be great for newbies and in fact it will be great for all too. ALL YOU NEED IS IN ONE WSO!!! Originally Posted by NanoAnna Seriously guys, that’s awesome. I’m not really good with computers and I’ve recently started a new business and was about to hire a web developer and a web designer to build a related site for me so that I could start promoting my enterprise, but I bumped into this page and hell it saved me a lot of money, time and headache. The good thing is these websites are ready to go, you don’t have to do anything at all. There were no problems with domain name as well, that’s pretty cool. I thought the installation part would be a huge pain in the ass because basically I have never done anything like that before, but it was surprisingly simple and intuitive. And by the way, I want to say thank you to Yaros and the support team who assisted me all the time. I really appreciate that. I’ve just came through the installation process and don’t know how the things will be going, so I’m gonna keep you guys posted Cheers!