360plex #58 -- Not Quite Ready for Primetime

360plex - Straight Talking Xbox 360 News and Reviews show

Summary: This week we talk about Little Big Planet, Dead Space, Gears of War 2, Fable's co-op problems, delay of primetime, and E3's expansion. Games Gunnz -- Little Big Planet Hozt -- Dead Space, Resistance 2 Beta Gundrill -- Before My Xbox E 74'd Brother In Arms: Hells Highway, Crackdown and GTA:IV Hero --GTA, COD4, World at War Beta News Electric stimulus to face video Gears of War II -- metacritic user scores low, OXM 9/10, Fable 2 Co-op Has Fans Enraged -- 218 pages of complaints on the game's official forums. MS Delays Launch Of Xbox Live Primetime E3 2009 will be open to the public and is expanding Resident Evil 5 opening will not even run on the Wii. Picks of the Week Gunnz -- iPhone Application - Last.fm HoZt -- PS3 Update 2.5, you can now watch hulu.com videos Hero -- New Castle Brown Ale Gundrill -- Castle Crashers, 360plex, and Me