Advanced Audio Blog #24 - Idolizing a Superstar in Hong Kong

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Summary: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 明星夢 今日,我特登走咗十五分鐘路去報攤買咗一張電話卡,就係為咗打電話俾我喺香港嘅老友,點解要打俾佢? 因為佢就嚟要成為明星啦! 我朋友叫做Jerry, 我高中嘅就係佢好朋友, 佢生得有啲似混血兒,個鼻好高,眼眶好深,一睇就知道係靚仔。喺中學時代,佢已經簽約經理人公司,仲拍過電視劇添! 佢一直都好鍾意唱歌,有人話佢唱得好似陳奕迅,我話唔係,係好過陳奕迅呀! 佢嘅目標就係可以成為一個明星、出唱片、拍電影、賺大錢! 可惜有時候事情並唔會咁一帆風順嘅... 當佢高中畢業嘅時候,正打算投身娛樂圈,接受公司培訓嗰陣,公司突然冇原因咁雪藏佢,冇唱片出、冇廣告、電視、電影拍、冇培訓,就一味叫佢等消息,真係急死人。過咗三個月,Jerry都有啲開始心灰意冷,佢為咗生活,去咗一間銀行做一份跑保險嘅工,但佢一路都冇打消過唱歌呢個夢想,佢仍然日日練歌,相信上天係唔會唔俾機會努力嘅人。 過咗五年,機會終於降臨啦,舊公司嘅合約到期,Jerry去咗參加英皇新秀歌唱大賽,一鳴驚人,奪得冠軍! 我就係上網見到新聞先知,所以我即刻打返去恭喜佢,希望佢可以真真正正成為大明星! ----English---- Superstar in Hong Kong Today I walked fifteen minutes out of my way to buy a phone card to call my friend in Hong Kong. And why did I have to call him so badly? It's because he is going to be a superstar! My friend is called Jiri and we've been good friends since high school. Jiri looks like he's got a mixed-race background, a high nose and deep eye sockets. He's unquestionably a handsome guy. He was signed by an agency after high school and has even acted on television. He really likes singing too. Someone once said he sings like Eason Chan, but I don't agree - I think he sings better than Eason Chan! His ambition is to become a superstar and put out music albums, movies, and make a lot of money. Unfortunately, sometimes things don't go so smoothly. When he graduated from high school, Jiri wanted to get into entertainment circles and get training from an agency. But the company stopped contacting him suddenly. There went the music album, advertisements, television shows, and movies. The company kept telling him to wait and it just made him upset. After three months Jiri felt hopeless. In order to support himself, he worked in a bank selling insurance. But he didn't give up his dream and kept practicing singing every day. He thought that God would give a hardworking person a chance. More or less five years later, opportunity found him. His old contract terminated and so Jiri attended the EEG Musicholic singing competition. He absolutely blew people away and won the championship. I read about that on the Internet and called him immediately to congratulate him. I really hope he can be a superstar. Do you guys have dreams of stardom? ----Pinyin---- ming4 sing1 mung6 gam1 jat6, ngo5 dak6 dang1 zau2 zo2 sap6 ng5 fan1 zung1 lou6 heoi3 bou3 taan1 maai5 zo2 jat1 zoeng1 din6 waa2 kaat1, zau6 hai4 wai4 zo2 daa2 din6 waa2 bei2 ngo5 hoeng1 gong2 ge3 lou5 jau5 , dim2 gaai2 jiu3 daa2 bei2 keoi5? jan1 wai6 keoi5 zau6 lai4 jiu3 sing4 wai4 ming4 sing1 laa6! ngo5 pang4 jau5 giu3 zou6 Jerry , ngo5 gou1 zung1 ge3 zau6 hai6 keoi5 hou2 pang4 jau5, keoi5 saang1 dak1 jau5 di1 ci5 wan6 hyut3 ji4 , go3 bei6 hou2 gou1, ngaan5 hong1 hou2 sam1 , jat1 tai2 zau6 zi1 dou3 hai6 leng3 zai2。 hai2 zung1 hok6 si4 doi6, keoi5 ji5 ging1 cim1 joek3 ging1 lei5 jan4 gung1 si1 , zung6 paak3 gwo3 din6 si6 kek6 tim1! keoi5 jat1 zik6 dou1 hou2 zung1 ji3 coeng3 go1 , jau5 jan4 waa6 keoi5 coeng3 dak1 hou2 ci5 can4 jik6 seon3 , ngo5 waa6 ng4 hai6 , hai6 hou2 gwo3 can4 jik6 seon3 aa3 ! keoi5 ge3 muk6 biu1 zau6 hai6 ho2 ji5 sing4 wai4 jat1 go3 ming4 sing1 , ceot1 coeng3 pin2 , paak3 din6 jing2 , zaan6 daai6 cin2 ! ho2 sik1 jau5 si4 hau6 si6 cing4 bing3 ng4 wui5 gam1 jat1 faan4 fung1 seon6 ge3... dong1 keoi5 gou1 zung1 bat1 jip6 ge3 si4 hau6 , zing3 daa2 syun3 tau4 san1 jyu4 lok6 hyun1, zip3 sau6 gung1 si1 pui4 fan3 go2 zan6, gung1 si1 dat6 jin4 mou4 jyun4 jan1 gam2 syut3 cong4 keoi5, mou5 coeng3 pin2 ceot1 , mou5 gwong2 gou3 , din6 si6 , din6 jing2 paak3 , mou5 pui4 fan3 , zau6 jat1 mei2 giu3 keoi5 dang2 siu1 sik1 , zan1 hai6 gap1 sei2 jan4。 gwo3 zo2 saam1 go3 jyut6 , Jerry dou1 jau5 di [...]