November 14, 2010

Sound Health Options - Richard & Sharry  show

Summary: People loved that Signature Sound stuff so much we will be continuing our discussions of your frequency energy, how it influences DNA and genetics, helps you in attracting a partner, colors you love or hate, people you loathe on sight, light, aroma, music and people. There were so many people left out last week who wanted to hear their own Signature Sounds that we are going to continue that theme. We will be video broadcasting and providing charts and information so everyone can follow along. Come early to download. To join the online meeting: 1. Go to 2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: blog1 4. Click "Join". To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link: For assistance: 1. Go to 2. On the left navigation bar, click "Support" or Be sure to join us for Happy Hour on Tuesday from 3-5pm PST. You can find more information at: For information on classes with Sound Health, contact Be certain to check out our profiles listed on and download the free nanoVoice software at: Missed last Sunday's Show? Tune into our archives at: