Dr. Nikki Goldman - Habits are good except when they're not!

Thrive Talk Radio show

Summary: HABIT OR ADDICTION...IS THERE ARE CURE? Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol or excessive food...With hypnosis, You can stop. You wake up every morning, hit the snooze button once or twice. You get up, automatically hit the coffee maker button, jump in the shower and scold yourself for not having gotten up earlier for the workout at the gym or the morning walk you've promised yourself. As you're driving down the same freeway you've taken to work for the last 5 years, listening to the same radio station, park in the same spot, take the same elevator and sit in the same desk, you wonder: Why can't I get some healthy habits. The thought is gone as quickly as it came and you're back to your work routine. Mid morning you take your typical coffee break guzzling your second or third cup of the day. Evening comes and you gravitate to the usual TV and snacks, or a couple of drinks, or cigarettes or some other mind numbing habit. And the beat goes on the next day and the next..... Why is it that you can stick to bad habits but not healthy ones? After all, we have proven ourselves to be creatures of habit. With hypnosis, we can change the thoughts, pictures and feelings about yourself. Once we do, your behavior changes. Dr. Nikki is a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and uses Neuro-Linguistic Programing with over 20 years in practice.  She is an award winning author with self-help books and educational books in school and libraries across the country which include topics such as alcoholism, teen suicide, depression and eating disorders.  She has also written a weekly newspaper column and is guest speaker on radio shows and lecture circuits across the country. www.DrNikkiGoldman.com DrNikki@DrNikkigoldman.com (858) 335-9867