The Prisoner Within (AB)

Thrive Talk Radio show

Summary: It happened again. You promised yourself ‘this time’ you were going to RESPOND instead of REACT during your next conversation with your _______ (kids/Ex/boss, etc) and then for some completely UNKNOWN reason, your emotions took control and it all went out the window. You allowed your buttons to be pushed once more and the entire experience went downhill from there. Instead of having productive, healthy communication that resulted in a closer connection or resolution, tempers flared, emotional walls went up, and the outcome was complete frustration & disappointment Sound familiar? Becoming aware of our emotions and how we manage them, influences every aspect of our lives. If we are always reacting then we are never free. We are held prisoner by other people’s choices, words & actions and allow our own conduct and sense of self worth to be subconsciously controlled by theirs. Lets explore & discuss some Key Steps to creating & maintaining emotional balance & freedom in your life and relationships. Join me on Saturday March 2nd at 9am as we dive in and take a closer look at how we can become more emotionally independent and live our lives from a place of empowered choice no matter what is going on around us. I’m Ann Bergeson, Certified Integrative Life Coach; Join me on my show Transcending Darkness-Dare to Shine! as we explore life changing empowering topics that will guide you to new levels of peace, happiness, success and abundance. This is YOUR show! Call in & share your thoughts with me, I would love to hear from you!