The Power of Your Secret–of Speaking the Story of your Soul

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Do you have a secret – an event which occurred about which you dare not speak? Your soul will help you find the courage to break your silence – to speak your truth so you can heal. Each and every event in your life has been choreographed by your soul as a possibility to expand and to heal.   The circumstances may vary, the characters may change, but the tension experienced reverberates through.   Rare is the accident – rare is the mistake.  There are only challenges to meet … choices to make and opportunities to partner with your soul so you can heal. Dare today to learn of the purpose, value and need to speak your truth! In this next series of EFT for Your Inner Child and Soul you will learn how to succeed by giving you tools and tapping sequences to look at the events in your life through the eyes of your soul.  Join me for Edge EFT Happy “Half” Hour and in two weeks, join me right back here for Tapping Resolution Clinic to tap in your intentions to carry through with the healing of your soul.  Call for FREE 15 minute Assessment - 612.710.7720 or go to