Special #1 - SEVRPOD meets the Man of Steel

The Marc and Ken Video Store Podcast show

Summary: Faster than a hungry fat man sprinting towards an all you can eat buffet. More powerful than underarm stink from an individual who neglected to put deodorant on. Able to leap small children and little people in a single bound. It’s the Super Evil Vampire Robot Podcast of Doom, back in truncated yet still super powerful form. This is a special episode and as such, only Marc and Dave make the long trip to Metropolis and boy are our feet tired. Get it? Feet? Tired? Let’s move on because we dissect one of the biggest movies of the year, Man of Steel. That’s right, Zack Snyder, of Watchman and 300 fame, takes a break from filming scantily clad Spartan warriors and blue penises to reboot arguably the most iconic of all super heroes, Superman. And we were there on opening weekend and felt the extreme need to share our thoughts, feelings, and deepest desires…Since this is a special episode, we cut through the fat to get right into this movie. And let me warn all of you that this episode has more spoilers than you can shake a stick at. Why you would want to shake a stick at a spoiler, or anything else, we will never know. But either way, don’t listen unless you have seen it or just don’t care about having the entire movie spoiled for you. SEVRPOD explores all of the aspects of this film and answers all of your burning questions. Which if your questions are burning, might want to get that checked out cause it could be something else. Like the herp. But I digress. We discuss whether Henry Cavill is worthy of the red cape and if he can hold a candle to the original with Christopher Reeve. Lois Lane is discussed in a cage fight format between Margot Kidder vs. Amy Adams. Actually there is no cage fight but we compare the two and figure out which one is cuter. Spoiler-Amy Adams. SEVRPOD discusses effects, story, and everything else you could possibly want to know about this film. So even though there are only two of us, it’s still worth a hearty listen. And don’t worry, cause Ken, Tim, and Chris will be back on the next episode in all of their glory. So listen to us, or we will hit you in the face with a kryptonite flavored stick. It tastes like jerky….