The Spirit of Canaan: The "Squatter Spirit"

KAPOW Radio Show Network show

Summary: The Spirit of Canaan is a squatter spirit inhabiting land (your life) unlawfully, and must be evicted, removed, and destroyed.  This teaching reveals the true reasons why God commanded Israel to kill all men, women, children, and beasts of the Canaanite when Israel was reclaiming their land.  This teaching applies spiritual warfare principles to the historic Canaanite conquest.  Get set free!  Remove the Spirit of Canaan today!  "Eyes to See Unseen Enemies," exposes the cultural Christianity of today using Scripture, dreams, and visions for God's people. "Demons in My Marriage Bed: a True Story of Spiritual Warfare" by Paul and Linda from  This is a true story of two haunted people who were delivered from witchcraft through the power of God.  "The Wisdom of Death: Six Paths to Understanding Loss and Grief" by Paul from  This book explores the journey into healing from the pain of loss and grief. "Martial Arts: a Biblical Perspective" by Paul from  This short eBook explores the ancient fighting arts and places a balanced perspective on them using the Word of God.