Spirits in the Bible by Frank Marzullo Sr.

KAPOW Radio Show Network show

Summary: Frank Marzullo Sr. takes us on a journey through many Scriptures referencing the many spirits and demons contained in the Bible.  He then conducts "Deliverance" sessions after each mini-teaching.  Do not miss this opportunity to get set free and rid yourself of evil spirits! BIO: KapowRadioShow.com "Eyes to See Unseen Enemies," exposes the cultural Christianity of today using Scripture, dreams, and visions for God's people.  Fifthookmedia.com "Demons in My Marriage Bed: a True Story of Spiritual Warfare" by Paul and Linda from FifthookMedia.com.  This is a true story of two haunted people who were delivered from witchcraft through the power of God.  "The Wisdom of Death: Six Paths to Understanding Loss and Grief" by Paul from FifthookMedia.com.  This book explores the journey into healing from the pain of loss and grief. "Martial Arts: a Biblical Perspective" by Paul from FifthookMedia.com.  This short eBook explores the ancient fighting arts and places a balanced perspective on them using the Word of God.