Just Champion - Podcast 136

Celtic Fansite - LostBhoys podcast - Glasgow Celtic  show

Summary: Podcast 136 Just Champion So what now? With the title in the bag, the lads ask where this year's success ranks? We talk about a one team league, Charlie Mulgrew and what will be progress for the team and the Club in twelve months time? And you thought it was gonna be all yippee and yeehaas didn't you? Well there is a wee bit of that too hehe. We also look forward to the Cup semi-final on Sunday against the minis. Download mp3 from below:http://feeds.feedburner.com/Celtic_Lostbhoys_Podcast?format=xml (http://feeds.feedburner.com/Celtic_Lostbhoys_Podcast?format=xml) or Subscribe through iTunes - below:http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/celtic-fansite-lostbhoys-podcast/id356709463