Creating TEAM in StepCouples with Judy Graybill

The Stepmom's Toolbox show

Summary: Judy Graybill has been a Certified Stepfamily Coach since April 2007 having been certified through The Stepfamily Foundation. She continued her education through research and talking to countless adults and children from stepfamilies. She developed her Heart-Centered Approach and started Sensible Steps, LLC, in June 2008. “To know thyself is to know the world” is Judy’s philosophy. Her personal experiences set the foundation of her approach. Equally prevalent is the underlying non-secular humanitarianism of compassion and forgiveness toward everybody, regardless of their words and actions. By looking at the bigger picture objectively, she can find creative solutions and win-win situations. Her biggest success is with a childless stepdad who thanked her for helping him to be a better person through her coaching. In just over 1 month of working with him and his girlfriend, he went from talking contemptuously to/about his stepson to planning monthly outings, doing nice things for him, and positively changed the way he interacted with him. Judy is a Sociologist at heart and by formal advanced education. She earned her BS in Sociology in 1999 (with a minor in Psychology) and completed the coursework for the Master’s Program in Applied Sociology in 2003 as a Graduate Assistant. She has worked personally with individuals for over 2 decades, with kids individually for over 4 years, and with couples or families for over 3 years. Her personal experience of being a childless StepMom led to her calling for touching stepfamilies at various levels of dysfunction. Her predominant passion is childless step parents and adult children of divorce. Having experienced both healthy and unhealthy relationships, she educates others on recognizing red flags and potential unhealthy patterns within a relationship. Her published articles can be found at various locations on the Internet.