Technorama Ep 388: Splitting Atoms

Technorama show

Summary: Coming up in this episode... * Zombies v. the Animal Kingdom * Levitating Vehicles * and the economics of interstellar flight Listen below with the audio player or Click Here for complete show notes and video from the show. On This Day In History for October 30, 2013 This is October 30, 2013 is the 303rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 62 days remaining in 2013. * It was on this date in 1929 That the Stuttgart Cable Car is constructed in Stuttgart, Germany. * that same date in 1938 – Orson Welles broadcasts his radio play of H. G. Wells's The War of the Worlds, causing anxiety in some of the audience in the United States. * Lt. Tony Fasson, Able Seaman Colin Grazier and canteen assistant Tommy Brown from HMS Petard board U-559, retrieving material which would lead to the decryption of the German Enigma code today in 1942. * Also today in 1961 – The Soviet Union detonates the hydrogen bomb Tsar Bomba over Novaya Zemlya; at 50 megatons of yield, it is still the largest explosive device ever detonated, nuclear or otherwise. * The Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul, Turkey is completed today in 1973, connecting the continents of Europe and Asia over the Bosphorus for the second time. * and today in 1985 – Space Shuttle Challenger lifts off for mission STS-61-A, its final successful mission. * 26 years ago today in Japan, NEC releases the first 16-bit (fourth generation) video game console, the PC Engine, which is later sold in other markets under the name TurboGrafx-16. Happy Birthday goes out on this day to: * Czech chess player Oldřich Duras, born on this date in 1882 * Also born today in 1896 – Harry Randall Truman, owner and caretaker of Mount St. Helens lodge * American microbiologist and Nobel Prize laureate Daniel Nathans was born today in 1928 * and finally astronaut Robert L. Gibson turns 67 today. And that’s the way it was, on this day in history for October 30, 2013 Listener Birthday Calendar * October * 30 - WolfGeek (Indiana) * November * 01 - Amber Elstad * 03 - Ken Pace * 03 - Craig Glassner (aka Ranger Craig) * 04 - Avner (from Tel Aviv) * 05 - Michael Corlett (from New Zealand) * If you want to get on the Technorama Birthday Calendar, visit our Wiki. Hacks & Strange Stories * Animals would stop the zombie apocalypse before it started ( * True Story of the Day: An Unpiloted F-106 Landed Itself in 1970 - Cheezburger ( Shout out to the chat room Join us on the Google+ hangout every Sunday night at 9:30PM ET to see and hear the show raw and unedited. Just circle Technorama Podcast, Kreg, or me and you’ll see the announcement when we join the hangout. Remember When * Time Machines: A PC pioneer ( * 31 Levitating Vehicles From the Dawn of the Hovercraft ( Media Corner * The economics of interstellar flight: Starship enterprises | The Economist ( * The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary show : Day of the Doctor is coming to theaters Geek Library * Microcomputer Software Lives Again, This Time in Your Browser | Internet Archive Blogs ( What are you watching? * Kreg: Comic Book Men, The Walking Dead, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * Chuck: Arrow, The Walking Dead, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Bones, Haven, Sleepy Hollow, and Band of Brothers End of Show Stuff We appreciate your support. If you like the show,