How to Get Lost Part 4 - Hearing God's Voice Part 1

Substance Podcast - Audio show

Summary:   How do we hear God's voice in a non-spooky way?  Many people do silly things under the pretense that "God told them."  But what does the Bible really teach about prophetic guidance?  Is there a way to be "level-headed" yet Spirit led?  1 Thess. 5:19. Key Words:  God's Will, Prophetic, Prophecy Key Topics:  Does God still speak in prophetic ways?  How do I hear the voice of God?  How do I Discern God's will? Technical Desc:  The classic 1 Thess. "Don't treat prophecies w/contempt scripture.  Wanta story...Dick Mills and my dad... I go through Bible texts where God spoke to people in mystical ways.  Why does God do this & what are the benefits.