Clarity, Focus and the FAST Action Workshop

MicroEntrepreneur: The magic of thinking small show

Summary: Last year we ran this hugely popular workshop at the beginning of January, this year we decided to get ahead of the game and run it in December, so that you can really get 2013 off to a great start and set your action plan for the year. Goal setting is passe .  Action Plans are the way to go. This year, more than any other, it is time to have clarity, focus and a clear action plan to move your business forward.  So we have put together a quick and action oriented workshop to give you and your business a kick start that will help you move forward with laser like focus. [flowplayer src='' width=600 height=340 splash='' autoplay=false] Out of this workshop you will walk out with a series of FAST action steps that will give you clarity in 2013.  Clarity was my word for 2012 and it certainly made a massive difference.  In the last 12 months we have doubled our turnover and triple our profits.  I will share with you my secrets and techniques that you can apply to your business. F = Focused A = Action S = Strategic T = Timely You will identify what you want to achieve and break it down into a series of steps that will make sure it happens. This is a kick ass session that is going to help you get killer results in your business and have a FANTASTIC time doing it! During this session we’ll share with you 6 massive success strategies that will move your business forward quickly The number one thing that is holding you back in your business today (and how you can overcome it) How to create a killer action plan that you can achieve! Clarity, focus AND a rocket on your back that will propel you into the coming months Last year, one of the delegates went from feeling frustrated in her business to landing a major contract with Tesco. With massive focus, clarity and a strong action plan, she was able to really take her business to the next level. Join us and decide what you are going to do in your business next year. Where, When and How much Where: Lumen URC (nr Kings Cross/St. Pancras  When: Thursday December 6 from 10:00 - 4:99  How much: £99.00 including VAT Sell Tickets Online through Eventbrite