Fairdinkum Radio 29.08.13

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3 Fairdinkum Commentary Fairdinkum Commentary mp3 This week we look at: Contraceptive pill dangers - Today Tonight Adelaide law firm investigates potential Yaz class action - Today Tonight Aussie women to take on drug giant | News.com.au Pharmacy Guild secret deal criticised by the AMA and The Greens | News.com.au Dairy processor cuts more jobs Papal infallibility - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Farmers fed up and fired up  Neocon-NWO Leaked Documents: U.S. Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack Vaccinated Baby Dies - Parents Charged with Murder Parents Charged with Murder tell their story mp3 Leon is joined by the Parents of Baby A, to tell their story, together with Christina England Independent Journalist,  and Chris Savage retired Police Officer as they discuss this story and case. Parents in South Africa are facing life in prison for the murder of their baby girl who died just days after receiving routine vaccinations. Baby A had received all her vaccinations on time. On September 25, 2012, when she was aged just five months, her parents took her to their local clinic, where she received a total of eight vaccinations before being sent home. Within hours of the vaccinations, Baby A’s leg became hard and swollen. She was listless and poorly and could not settle. Ten days later, she collapsed at home, fell unconscious and stopped breathing. Her parents gave her CPR and rushed her to hospital where she was revived and put on a life-support machine. Doctors diagnosed Baby A with bleeding on the brain and a broken leg, accusing her parents with Shaken Baby Syndrome, Over the next five days, Baby A’s hands, feet, head and eyes became swollen beyond recognition and her parents decided to turn off her life support machines. She died in their arms. Mr and Mrs A were arrested and charged with her murder. Mr and Mrs A believe that their daughter was killed by the multiple vaccinations that she received just days before she died. They tell listeners on Fairdinkum Radio their side of the story. Vactruth Article by Christina England Parents Facebook page GM Watch - Barbara Peterson Leon is joined by Barbara Peterson of Farm Wars. Barbara is actively defending the 'Family Farm,' from Oregon in the USA where she continues to watch and document the development of Government in conjunction with Corporations move to establish a monopoly over our food and resources in every nation. Today we continue to focus on these developments with the following stories: Plans to release genetically engineered flies in Spain and Italy | testbiotech Minnesota Jury Convicts Peaceful Farmer on Five Charges | Farm Wars Ending the GMO Scourge | Farm Wars The Organic Loophole – Feed Brokers’ Exemption | Farm Wars UPDATE 1-Dow's controversial new GMO corn delayed amid protests | Reuters 29.08.13 GM Watch Barbara Peterson mp3 Five Month-Old Baby Dies Just Days After 8 Vaccinations – Parents Are Charged With Her Murder - See more at: http://vactruth.com/2013/08/17/baby-dies-after-8-vaccines/#sthash.BKn5cO... Living to your potential #7 Natural Health and Personal Values Tony Boutros of Lifestream Health joins us to discuss the power of personal values in connection with natural health. Together we look at how the values we hold  effect health in many different ways. Natural Health and Personal Values mp3 WW Roundup - Simon Kaiwai #19 Simon joins us from the US to cover some important subjects worldwide focusing on stories the corporate media does not cover: FBI interrogated man after comment about American "Police State" on Facebook | Police State USA Syria: Russia evacuates citizens ahead of military strikes in the 'next few days' - Telegraph Syrian rebels used Sarin nerve gas, not Assad's regime: U.N. official - Washington Times Obama’s brother linked to Muslim Brotherhood 72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents | World Truth.TV The Shock Doctrine 2009 - YouTube Five Month-Old B