Fairdinkum Radio Show 5.09.13

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3 Fairdinkum Commentary This week we look at critical issues and news confronting freedom loving humanity. Unmanned aircraft bought online being deployed to monitor private and public property | News.com.au Animal Liberation activists launch spy drone to test free-range claims - ABC News  F W Engdahl The PNAC Plan to Destabilize the Middle East (and the world?) - YouTube Unrepentant pastor glad he asked Rudd gay question | Toowoomba Chronicle Contact - Vision Radio Network Syria: Israeli interests will dictate Congress decision - Israel News, Ynetnews US president Barack Obama wins key backing for military action against Assad regime in Syria - ABC News  Technology to make food last longer - ABC Rural  Breaking: Courts discreetly confirm MMR vaccine causes autism Bombshell: Syria's 'chemical weapons' turn out to be sodium fluoride used in the U.S. water supply and sold at Wal-Mart Rudd trashes Bible with a misquote | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog Chinese look to build milk factory - ABC Rural Labor's late push to support food manufacturing - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Israel, U.S. test missile defense system in Mediterranean - Xinhua  Fairdinkum Commentary 120m mp3 Preaching Naked Communism This week on the ABC Q&A program, Commissar Kevin Rudd outlined the Communist Social Gospel of the New World Order. Incorporating Neuro Linguistic Programming he skillfully utilized an unbelieving ungodly cheer squad to reveal the Social Gospel of the new 'Christian Conscious.' While belittling a Christian Pastor he attempted to redefine the Biblical definition of marriage as being between a Man and a Woman aligning this thinking with, 'slavery as being natural.' As outlined by Cleon Skousen in the 'Naked Communist,' the infiltrators would: " Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch." We examine the process and allegations with the scriptures. Q&A - Marriage - Homosexuality - The Pastor Pastor Matt Prater, Pastor of New Hope Church, joins us to talk about the Q&A program where he asked Kevin Rudd:  "From what I’m hearing, most Christians I connect with are voting against you, because they are disillusioned and because you appear to be chopping and changing your beliefs to get votes, with regards to things like marriage. Why should we vote for you?" The question extended to an attack by Kevin Rudd questioning Matt's position on whether Homosexuality is abnormal. This exchange revealed the Social engineering of Society by Kevin Rudd in an attempt to teach that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is Natural and Normal. And following that the Biblical teaching of marriage is to be changed by law's of the state. Matt shares his experience in the Lion's Den. Q&A - Marriage - Homosexuality - The Pastor - Pastor Matt Prater.  mp3 The Voice of the Farmer Peter Manual of Flag Australia joins Leon to discuss the critical structural issues that are destroying our ability to feed our own people. We talk about the over regulation of Farming, Free Trade Agreements, World Trade Organization, Green Tape, Agenda 21 and more. The voice of the Farmer - Peter Manual mp3 Truth News Australia Leon is a guest of Hereward Fenton on Truth News Radio. Together they discuss War, Syria, Geopolitics, and the Australian Election. Hereward has been an active participant in researching and the sharing of truth in Australia. Hereward hosts a weekly radio program that is broadcast live into the US and can be heard live or podcast via the internet. 13.09.05 Truth News Australia mp3