Fairdinkum Radio Show 17.10.13

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: Fairdinkum Radio Show 17.10.13 Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3 Fairdinkum Commentary Great week of radio again friends. This week again important issues: Wind farms win few fans Abbott set to sign highly secretive TPP agreement this month The Trans-Pacific Partnership: What “Free Trade” Actually Means « The Left reveals an ugly face in anti-abortion rally Monsanto’s Winning The World Food Prize?? | PopularResistance.Org Jobs go as McCain closure hits potato growers - ABC News  SPC factories 'will close' without government help - ABC Rural  A comedian, a priest and a same-sex marriage campaigner walk in to a bar. FAVA: How many homosexuals are there in Australia? 17.10.13 Fairdinkum Commentary 120m Trans Pacific Partnership This week we take a close look at the  Trans Pacific Partnership or TPP. originating in 2005 as a “Strategic Economic Partnership” between a few select Pacific countries, it has now expanded to 12 countries. The highly secretive 'Partnership' has been negotiated by 600 Corporations out of sight of public scrutiny and accountability. The TPP “will create binding policies on future Congresses in numerous areas,” including “those related to labor, patent and copyright, land use, food, agriculture and product standards, natural resources, the environment, professional licensing, state-owned enterprises and government procurement policies, as well as financial, health care, energy, telecommunications and other service sector regulations.” What makes the TPP unique is not simply the fact that it may be the largest “free trade agreement” ever negotiated, nor even the fact that only two of its roughly 26 articles actually deal with “trade,” but that it is also the most secretive trade negotiations in history, with no public oversight, input, or consultations...... 17.10.13 Trans Pacific Partnership - Leon Pittard mp3 Full Spectrum Dominance Leon is joined by Xander Dal Riata, of Full-Spectrum-Dominance.com a leading independent media project which receives over 40 million hits a month worldwide in over 90 nations. Full-Spectrum-Dominance.com provides open-source technology news, ignored markets and finance updates, and geopolitical warfare analysis with his expertise as a former U.S. Marine and educated scholar on historical and archaeological/anthropological sciences. Together we discuss a wide range of topics including suppressed history, Geopolitics, and current technology trends which are infringing upon computer/Internet user's privacy and security; as well as the simple steps people can take to make it more difficult for government/non-governmental third-parties to access digital data and infrastructure. Visit Full-Spectrum-Dominance.com for a broad range of Independant News, Issues, and Events taking place Worldwide. 17.10.13 Full Spectrum Dominance mp3 Take Back Your Power Video Utility companies are replacing electricity, gas and water meters worldwide with new generation smart meters at an unprecedented rate. Take Back Your Power investigates the benefits and risks of this ubiquitous smart; grid program, with insight from insiders, expert researchers, politicians, doctors, and concerned communities. Transparency advocate Josh del Sol takes us on a journey of revelation and discovery, as he questions corporations’ right to tap our private information and erode our rights in the name of “green”. What you discover will surprise you, unsettle you, and inspire you to challenge the status quo. Fairdinkum Health Report Steve Prahin of Eden Health Foods  joins us to talk about the importance of the liver and kidneys on our health. We discuss the function of these vital organs and how to keep them in optimum running condition. We also take a look at Health stories worldwide including Monsanto and Biotechnology companies winning the World Food Prize. We also look at the effects of Genetic Modified Organisms and chemicals on our health. Function of the Liver in Optimum Health WW Roundup - Simon Kaiwai #22 Simon joins us fr