Fairdinkum Radio Show 24.10.13

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: Fairdinkum Radio Show Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3 Fairdinkum Commentary This week in commentary we focus on: The politics of the Bush Fires and Climate Fraud, Communist ABC propaganda, UN Intervention in Australian Sovereignty, Al Gore's disgrace, progress of Smart Meters in Australia. Fairdinkum Commentary mp3 Thinking Out Loud  Home Education v Schooling of the State This week Leon is joined by Adriana as they present some thoughts on Home Education or Schooling of the State. They share the difference between Education and Systemic Schooling. Together they share why they Home Schooled their children and their experience. They discuss briefly Academics, Socialisation and Morals as some reasons why parents want to protect their children from the State system of training. Take Back Your Power Josh Del Sol the Director and Producer of 'Take Back Your Power' an excellent documentary about the roll out of Smart Meters and the Smart Grid system. Together we discuss the making of the documentary and the highlights of Josh's findings since embarking upon his research. We discuss several different areas that the documentary reveals including, costs to the consumer, health effects, surveillance, allocation, propaganda, intent and solutions for Individuals to empower them to respond to this Government sponsored Corporate assault over humanity. I encourage all our listeners to watch the film listed below, buy your own copies and share with family and friends. Please support Grass Roots Media that is exposing the reality of our times. Watch documentary here. Take Back Your Power - Josh del Sol mp3 The Voice of the People Koula Raifailidis joins us to tell her story of Council Tyranny in her area. Koula shares how the Council endeavored to force her to remove a dwelling on her property which she resisted after finding out that their own laws allowed it to remain. Her case went to court and while she won costs were awarded against her? We discuss the attempt by Authorities to remove private property rights from the Individual using, Threat, Stand over and Cartel methods to demand obedience from the people. Kouls's story is one of a courageous Australian learning and experiencing the power of the people when they resist Authoritarian Dictators. 13.10.24 Koula Rafailidis.mp3 Works cited: 24.10.13 The Maynes unlawful eviction from their farm - YouTube Smart Meters - About Smart Meters This abuse of our rights has to stop NOW!! | Stop Smart Meters Australia State Liberals push to fast-track smart meters installed in South Australian homes | The Advertiser Resistance to smart meter installation surges in Hume | Herald Sun UN climate chief Christiana Figueres calls for global action amid NSW bushfires - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) UN climate chief Christiana Figueres attacks Tony Abbott's climate plan and says NSW bushfires are linked | News.com.au Debate rages as NSW mulls approaches to smart meter rollout | PACE Smart meters, but at whose expense? Queensland avoids smart meter mandate - smart meters, smart metering - Computerworld Use more energy during off-peak times and save on your bills | The Advertiser Warmists burn a billion a day | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog Adam Bandt plays at being a firie like Abbott  The ABC should apologise for Gore’s errors and smears  If the ABC wants to stop bushfires, it could cut the crap and donate half its budget  Zbigniew Brzezinski - Shocking Quotes From A New World Order Elite