Self Reliant Living

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Summary: Life Happens – Make It An Adventure, No Matter What (Conclussion) To some “preparedness” is daunting, (too much, too fast, too complex) even frightening. But it doesn't have to be that way. First, recognize that there are only “Nine Key Areas” that cover everything you need to know, do and have for both normal everyday life and any disaster that might come along. The second thing to grasp is that you don't need to know, do and have everything. For one thing, it's not possible for one person or household to own it all and be able to do it all. With this in mind, people should stop frantically dashing around trying to memorize everything and buy everything to “be prepared” for a serious breakdown. This does not mean to slow down or stop efforts, but to get the Nine Key Areas right to eliminate confusion, uncertainty, wasted time, energy and money. Having said all this, there are two critical things that constitute the first and worst Black Hole of Preparedness. Get everything else perfect, but fall short in either of these two areas and when it gets really bad you will die, they are: 1) your head, 2) your community. Miss here and you become a victim filled with fear able to survive only if some outside group comes to your rescue. Jim Phillips is a nationally known speaker and teacher who has professionally taught thousands of classes all across the United States for 40 years. He developed an entire preparedness curriculum by asking himself the question "What if?" and then setting out to discover what actually does and does not work. The answers he seeks (and then teaches) must be based on true principles derived from first hand experience. Learn More About Jim.