4-25-08 Show Podcast – Featuring Our Interview With Stan Ridgway - Revenge of the 80s Radio – Hour 2

Revenge of the 80s Radio - Hour 2 show

Summary: The podcast for our April 25, 2006 Revenge of the 80s Radio Show is up. We talked with Songwriter/Storyteller/Vocalist/Multi-Instrumentalist Stan Ridgway (http://www.stanridgway.com), known to many as one of the foundig members of Wall of Voodoo and the band's first lead singer. The interview leads off Hour 2. (http://www.stanridgway.com/images/bio/stanbio0208.jpg) During the interview, we talked about: * The beginning, rise and fall of Wall of Voodoo and the creation of a new style of music * Stan Ridgway's thoughts on songwriting and storytelling * Stan's solo projects and how hs own creaticity evolved * Who is "Teak" Lazar? * Stan's work with other Drywall and Hecate's Angels (with his wife, Pietra Wextrum) * Playig live, future touring plans and some works in progress. Stan Ridgway is the epitome of the great American storyteller, with a musical style that channels the greatest aspects of the traditional and experimental to produce an unmatchable creativity while he leads listeners of his songs on a journey into the far reaches of his mind. Stan's website is: www.stanridgway.com (http://www.stanridgway.com). During the show, we also featured music from Doctor and the Medica, Voice of the Beehive, Falco, The Motels and other great artists of the era. Camouflage (http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B000VIWI92?ie=UTF8&tag=reveofthe80sr-20&linkCode=am2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000VIWI92)(http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=reveofthe80sr-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B000VIWI92)