SEVRPOD #1.23 - SEVRPOD’s Halloween Tomb of Terror I: Halloween Traditions of The Past

The Marc and Ken Video Store Podcast show

Summary: This is Halloween, this is Halloween, SEVRPOD screams in the dead of night! And why exactly are we screaming? Simple…it’s nudey magazine day! But better than that (well, maybe not better; more like on par) is the fact that the third, and final, part of our Halloween Tomb of Terror I special is finally here. While all good things must come to an end, we certainly saved the best, and most alcohol infused, for last. Listen as the SEVRPOD crew nearly come to drunken fisticuffs arguing over the best and worst Trick-or-Treat candy from our childhood. We also share our favorite memories from way back in the day (and for some of the cast, it was way WAY back in the day) about going trick-or-treating and visiting haunted houses. And if that alone wasn’t enough, we’ve even added some very helpful tips throughout the show to stay safe this Halloween because we care…well…that and it’s tough to listen to our show buried six feet under. We know…we tried. Don’t ask why, just please enjoy the show!