Twisted South Radio welcomes ELAN

Twisted South Radio show

Summary: Heavily influenced by the culture and music of our south, ELAN comes to Twisted South Radio tomorrow night. "Amazing things come from the rarest, least expected places. The biggest rapper on earth is caucasian. Arguably, the greatest rock guitarist of all time was African American. It seems like one of the best bands you’ve never heard of, may just be from a little town in Mexico. ELAN sing in English, sound like very few bands do today, have sold over 1.7 million albums, and have toured extensively for the past 15 years. Most likely you’ve never heard of them because they have never released a record or toured in the US. Indeed amazing things come from the rarest of places." Elan is managed by the same people who bring you the music of Walter Trout, Leslie West, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Kenny Rogers and more. “Growing up in Mexico, our radio was not something we liked much, so we learned about music by listening to our parents records. The Stones, Dylan, Joplin, The Allman Brothers, Skynyrd… a blessing really. Those musicians who meant what they said and told you what they thought, not how to think. We look back to a day when music had soul and try to carry those qualities with us on our journey, in our own songs and sound”.