Episode 104 – “Sideways Hat Rap”

Trinity Force Podcast - A League of Legends Podcast show

Summary: Sideway Hat Rap has nothing to do with the podcast but it does have to do with...wait. Nothing. Instead, you can listen to us yell about solo queue and hopefully you'll learn something! Here's Xin's form to sign up for Bronze/Silver vs Gold/Plat: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1O5uwDwRMW4WcgAUpUwskMplzDiRG7Kyjrz4jmY0wSl0/viewform Don't forget to nominate us! We need EVERY vote: http://www.podcastawards.com/index.php?option=nominate Phone: (203) 49 FORCE // (203) 493-6723 E-Mail: feedback@trinityforcepodcast.com Twitter: TForcePodcast / ggChronicle