Advanced Audio Blog S2 #3 - Top 10 Hong Kong Movies: You Shoot, I Shoot

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Summary: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 買兇拍人 喺我認識嘅所有睇過呢部電影嘅朋友入面,除咗少數人——可能患有某啲暗病,冇一個唔對呢部電影入面扮演AV女優嘅美智子小姐心生嚮往。如果你全神貫注咁觀賞阿全帶美智子翻屋企之後嘅嗰段戲,就會發現彭浩翔導演用上咗畢生手段嚟營造鏡頭入面好似女神降臨一樣識得發光嘅美智子小姐嘅形象。呢個時候,你就會明白呢部電影嘅真諦—充滿理想嘅人,喺任何境地中都會不同凡響。至於其他方面,劇情啊演技啊鏡頭啊剪輯啊,能夠服務於呢個真諦,就已經足夠。更何況「買凶拍人」做得超過咗“足夠”二字,所以就成為咗經典。雖然有好多人用“爛片”去評價佢,但係如果你都曾經被理想打動過,你一定唔會咁認為。引用「人間喜劇」入面杜汶澤講過嘅一句臺詞—電影係唔會厄人嘅!所以,其實導演唔單止係造夢咁簡單,而係讀緊我哋嘅內心。 ----English---- You Shoot, I Shoot As I see it, with the exception of perhaps a few people, most of the people who have see this movie will truly agree that they're fond of the Japanese AV actress, Miss Michiko. If you pay close attention to the scene where Chun takes her home, you'll discover that the director is portraying in shimmering light like nothing so much as a beautiful angel, just like from a dream. At this moment, you'll realize that the acting, the cinematography, and the editing are all serving this point—people who believe in themselves are always extraordinary in any situation. And the movie "You Shoot, I Shoot" has out-performed expectations and is definitely a signature piece. And although a lot of people have called it a lousy film, if you've ever been moved by an idea, or a dream, you'll think about it differently. To steal a line from "The Human Comedy,"films can't hurt people! In other words, the director was simply trying to make his dream come true. ----Pinyin---- maai5 hung1 paak3 jan4 hai2 ngo5 jing6 sik1 ge3 so2 jau5 tai2 gwo3 ni1 bou6 din6 jing2 ge3 pang4 jau5 jap6 min6, ceoi4 zo2 siu2 sou3 jan4 — — ho2 nang4 waan6 jau5 mau5 di1 am3 beng6, mou5 jat1 go3 ng4 deoi3 ni1 bou6 din6 jing2 jap6 min6 baan3 jin2 AV neoi5 jau1 ge3 mei5 zi3 zi2 siu2 ze2 sam1 sang1 hoeng2 wong5. jyu4 gwo2 nei5 cyun4 san4 gun3 zyu3 gam2 gun1 soeng2 aa3 cyun4 daai3 mei5 zi3 zi2 faan1 uk1 kei2 zi1 hau6 ge3 go2 dyun6 hei3, zau6 wui5 faat3 jin6 paang4 hou5 coeng4 dou6 jin2 jung6 soeng5 zo2 bat1 sang1 sau2 dyun6 lai2 jing4 zou3 geng3 tau4 jap6 min6 hou2 ci2 neoi5 san4 gong3 lam4 jat1 joeng6 sik1 dak1 faat3 gwong1 ge3 mei5 zi3 zi2 siu2 ze2 ge3 jing4 zoeng6. ni1 go3 si4 hau6, nei5 zau6 wui5 ming4 baak6 ni1 bou6 din6 jing2 ge3 zan1 tai3—cung1 mun5 lei5 soeng2 ge3 jan4, hai2 jam4 ho4 ging2 dei6 zung1 dou1 wui5 bat1 tung4 faan4 hoeng2. zi3 jyu1 kei4 taa1 fong1 min6 , kek6 cing4 aa3 jin2 gei6 aa3 geng3 tau4 aa3 zin2 cap1 aa3, nang4 gau3 fuk6 mou6 jyu1 ni1 go3 zan1 tai3, zau6 ji5 ging1 zuk1 gau3. gang3 ho4 fong3 「 maai5 hung1 paak3 jan4 」 zou6 dak1 ciu1 gwo3 zo2 “ zuk1 gau3 ” ji6 zi6, so2 ji5 zau6 sing4 wai6 zo2 ging1 din2. seoi1 jin4 jau5 hou2 do1 jan4 jung6 “ laan6 pin2 ” heoi3 ping4 gaa3 keoi5, daan6 hai6 jyu4 gwo2 nei5 dou1 cang4 ging1 bei6 lei5 soeng2 daa2 dung6 gwo3, nei5 jat1 ding6 ng4 wui5 gam2 jing6 wai4. jan5 jung6 「 jan4 gaan1 hei2 kek6 」 jap6 min6 dou6 man4 zaak6 gong2 gwo3 ge3 jat1 geoi3 toi4 ci4—din6 jing2 hai6 ng4 wui5 aak1 jan4 ge3! so2 ji5, kei4 sat6 dou6 jin2 ng4 daan1 zi2 hai6 zou3 mung6 gam3 gaan2 daan1, ji4 hai6 duk6 gan2 ngo5 dei6 ge3 noi6 sam1. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! [...]