AnimeCons TV - Mystery Science Podcast 4000

AnimeCons TV (Video) show

Summary: In the not too distant future At AnimeCons TV Elizabeth and TV's Doug Were hatching a plan, you see They met a guy by the name of Rob A regular Joe with a flute-making job He had a fun time cosplaying everyplace But the con staff didn't like him so they shot him into space! "We'll send him cheesy podcasts." "The worst we can find." ("La la la!") "He'll have to sit and watch them all while we monitor his mind." Now keep in mind Rob can't control Where the podcasts begin or end ("La la la!") He'll have to sit and watch them all With the help of his special friends! Robot roll call... Tachikoma! Terriermon! Tom Servo! Croooow! If you're wondering how he eats and breathes And other science facts ("La la la!") Just repeat to yourself, "It's April Fools, I should really just relax." For Mystery Science Podcast 4000!