Episode 16 – Dr. Anodea Judith

Smart People Podcast show

Summary: Please donate and help those in Japan! Thanks! Red Cross - Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Relief Here in the Western Hemisphere, we tend to believe that we have all of the answers.  We make ourselves feel that with our large brains, our frontal lobes and our fancy laboratories we can solve any sickness, illness or problem with a little white (or sometimes perhaps yellow) pill.  However, the rest of the world realizes that humans have been treating most of these problems for thousands of years with a combination of medicines, therapies, etc.  Although I am a firm believer that Western medicine has played a major role in increasing life expectancy and decreasing sickness, I do think that a combination of numerous approaches is always going to be the best.  For this reason, we here at Smart People Podcast are always keeping our calendar open to speak with educated professionals in various medical fields.  This week's guest is Dr. Anodea Judith - one of the country’s foremost experts on the combination of chakras and therapeutic issues and on the interpretation of the Chakra System for the Western lifestyle.  She is the founder and director of Sacred Centers, and holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in Psychology and Human Health, is a 500 hour registered yoga teacher, with lifelong studies of healing, history, sociology, and systems theory. Expand your knowledge and culture yourself a little with this week's episode! Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System As a Path to the Self