Compatibility: The Truth, The Lies, and the B.S. – Episode 0010

Relations - The Podcast show

Summary: In This Episode: ...we’re talking about compatibility, how do you know if your piece fits with my thing, but not at all the way it sounds when I say it like that. By the end of this episode you’ll learn: What types of questions signal compatibility? Can you shop for love and compatibility? How to check compatibility Is financial compatibility important? Download Episode 0010! (right click, then click "Save Link As...") The Problem People are lazy. We throw our pants in the dryer instead of ironing them, we have food delivered, or shoveled through windows instead of making it at home, and we want to know if that certain somebody is our forever-mate before they’ve given us their twitter handle. By the end of this episode, you’ll be able to know...ugh, now we’re enabling your laziness. Just listen to the show already! The Experts Say... What types of questions signal compatibility? | OK Cupid Study Singles chose these questions: “Is God important in your life?” “Is sex the most important part of a relationship?” “ Does smoking disgust you?” Couples choose these: “Wouldn’t it be fun to chuck it all and go live on a sailboat?” “Do you like horror movies?” “Have you ever traveled around another country alone?” Can you shop for love and compatibility? Kevin Solin (AARP) | Shopping for Love? You Should Make a List! List three to six qualities you're looking for in a partner. Use your list to narrow your search online. Prospective partners tend to state the qualities they possess, rather than the ones they're pursuing, in the profiles they post online. Give a profile a close read and you may find indications that the person has that sense of humor and lots of friends. Compare lists in person. The first time you meet an online contact in the flesh, try to draw out his or her feelings about his/her own priority list. You can even ask point-blank, "What top three qualities would you expect your perfect partner to have?" Suss out values. Now that you're aware of which qualities you're both after, try to assess the other person's core beliefs. These reveal the manner in which a person lives daily life and relates to the world — two behavioral traits too critical to ignore. How to check compatibility | Compatibility Check While Dating Missing test. To know whether you guys are marriage material for each other or not make sure you try and analyze your feelings when he/she is not around. Being physically away from your mate will make you realize how important they are in your life. You crave to come back together once they are away. This is a green signal on the compatibility test. Analyze whether religion is important to you or them. This is usually for people who have a strong belief in faith and religion. Even if it’s not a crucial feature for you try and check what importance it has for your mate. Check the spark. Usually the spark is from the beginning and it does not diminish away. A high level of chemistry and warmth from the first meet can actually do wonders later on. Is sexual compatibility important? Single Dating Diva Sexuality is very personal.  Each person likes what they like and have different limits as well as expectations when it comes to sex.  One person might want it more than the other or at different times.  That doesn’t mean two people who like different things can’t be sexually compatible. Take it slow and make deliberate moves, especially when kissing.  Go back to basics and dim the lights, light a candle, put on some sexy music and make out.  Just make out.  No sex.  Just make out like you did in high school.  This is a great way to create desire and sensuality. Is financial compatibility important? Jessica Silver-Greenberg - New York Times | Perfect 10? Never Mind That. Ask Her for Her Credit Score. As she nibbled on strawberry shortcake, Jessica LaShawn,