FL 002: Freedom Lovin Podcast #2: Breaking Free with Wes Bertrand of Complete Liberty

The Freedom Lovin Podcast show

Summary: In this episode, I discuss: What is freedom and why is it important? Why do people think they're free when they're not?   What does it take to get more free in your own life? Complete Liberty's Wes Bertrand joins me on the Freedom Lovin' Podcast as we delve into philosophical underpinnings of freedom. Wes Bertrand's sites: http://completeliberty.com http//happinesscounseling.com http://healthymindfitbody.com References: Bitcoin conference in San Jose: http://bitcoin2013.com World Domination Summit: http://worlddominationsummit.com/ Marc Stevens' No State Project: http://marcstevens.net Stefan Molyneux on Procrastination: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1WC6hNTONg Follow Freedom Lovin': http://facebook.com/freedomlovinlife http://twitter.com/freedomlovinguy Books: Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand What Has Government Done To Our Money?, Murray Rothbard Honoring the Self, Nathaniel Branden Non Violent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg Music: "Exo Politics", Muse Please give us a rating & review on iTunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-freedom-lovin-podcast/id633364602