Sevan Bomar - Outside the Box - October 1st, 2013 - Galactic Banking

Sevan Bomar Podcast show

Summary: Sevan Bomar on Outside the Box with Kate of Gaia. Recorded on October 1st, 2013. This is a 3-hour show so there is no telling the magnitude of all that will be covered. Off the mind, I can think of the necessary discussion regarding what I call "Galactic Banking." This is looking into the organic nature of reality to find the parallels that exist, or rather were taken by the synthetic monetary system. We will dive deep into language to dig out the clues within terminology while simultaneously uncovering the occupants of the Spaces within Spaces. Is it time for you to collect rent or evict? This episode will be sure to give you an idea of what you are worth, allowing you to ask yourself this: "are you selling yourself short?"; "is this still your movie or are you just a re-actor?" We climb in to the lair of the entities that live within, the hidden forces that are used without resistance -- such as breath, and its costs, if any. Finally, we will get into investing in your Spirit, storing away inner treasures from pirates, and being smart about your next Astral Investment. We are sure to conclude cautiously, keeping a third eye on the programs you choose to spin/spend your current on. In the Gnosis? It is a great endeavor to bring advanced intelligence with so much opposition in the current construct, we ask that is this message has assisted you that you think of making a contribution to expanding it further by using the link below. Thank you Are you interested in the most advanced spiritual knowledge available? Enroll in the Innerversity today and expand! Download this amazing Frequency Guide and learn the effects of thousands of frequencies. Its free! Visit Secret Energy and join a community of thousands of Seekers worldwide connecting and expanding. Looking for Karma free wealth and a new stream of income? Check out our amazing affiliate program and become a Spiritech today!