Fiber Hooligan show

Summary: Next edition of Fiber Hooligan (9/30/13) my guest will be the very talented and very sweet Andi Smith. Originally from Yorkshire, England, she now lives in Ohio with her husband, two sons, dog, two cats and 14 chickens. She thoroughly enjoys exploring the different techniques that knitting, crochet and embroidery present and is always eager to share what she learns with others.  Andi is an amazing designer and prolific knitter. Constant knitting is a family trait which she learned early from her mom and grandma. We're going to be talking about her fiber arts story. We're going to be talking about her first book, Big Foot Knits from Cooperative Press… which gives you all the tools you need to create a custom fitted sock that fits your individual shape and curves. And we're going to be talking about some other great design collections that she's working on. Andi is a delight and I'm looking forward to our conversation. I hope you'll join us for the show.