Schoolboy Politicians running the UK

Don Woods show

Summary: Don came back from the Lakes last week and had to go straight out to Anglesey to sort my caravan out ready to be stored for the winter….stayed a few days and the weather was fabulous….23 degrees and clear blue skies…went for a walk along Rhosneigr beach and never saw a soul….there was no wind and there was absolute silence except for the breaking waves…doesn’t get any better than that. So it’s bye bye to the Island til next April….but I do love Autumn…my favourite season. A bit of sad news…Jackie Lomax (ex Undertakers) has recently died…..Jackie moved to America and worked with George Harrison and many top bands…he was great guy and each time he came over from the States he would appear at our weekly Cheshire Cats bash with Geoff Nugent and Brian “Saxophone” Jones….he went to our school and was a great lad…he’ll be sadly missed. Also another local musician has also passed on…Tommy Hughes who was the original singer in The Swinging Blue Jeans….and was one of The Kansas City Five….he was a good pal of mine and a true gent….he was a great keyboard player and has played in many bands over the years…I’ve worked with him on many occasions….these guys are irreplaceable. On a lighter note…Mr.Milliband has been wandering around with a fixed grin on his face pretending to be one of the lads and has announce if Labour get in next time he is going to freeze energy bills….I don’t know who writes his script but you can freeze your own bills on several deals with suppliers TODAY….so I haven’t quite worked out what he’s on about…..and Eric Pickles has stepped away from the pies for a few minutes to announce that CCTV parking cameras will no longer be used…the fact these make millions for local councils doesn’t seem to come into it….”it’s interfering with human rights”…so let’s all park anywhere and gridlock the country…get back to the buffet Eric. The Firemen have had a short strike over pay and pensions…they are now expected to work until they are sixty to receive a full pension….I think their salary is 29 grand on average,,,how much are those back benchers on again?..seventy grand?.....and who would you rather have in a crisis….quite…..not to mention the soldiers. Brian McFadden is on tele a lot (he’s in a programme called “Stepping Out” which is a rip off of Strictly Come Dancing…except the celebs dance with their real life partners)…now I’m not a fan of boy bands…Boyzone only had one singer – Steven Gately- and he died…I wouldn’t pay the rest of them in washers…similarly Westlife only have one singer – the gay guy … BUT I do have a lot of time for McFadden…he made a few good records on his own AND can play….he recorded an incredibly brave song before he went to Australia called “Irish Son” which heavily criticizes his vicious Catholic upbringing…I have a lot o f respect for the lad.