PODCAzT 137: Augustine on bad pastors; Sermon in the wake of Pope Francis’ interview

Fr. Z's Blog show

Summary: At the time of this writing it is still the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, aka the 18th Sunday after Pentecost in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. It has been just a few days since the release of The Big Interview with Pope Francis. In today’s PODCAzT, I give you a taste of St. Augustine of Hippo’s monumental sermon 46, “De pastoribus… On pastors“.  Augustine explores Ezechiel’s comments on the shepherds of the Lord’s flock.  The portion of Augustine I drill into, with an introduction about Donatism, is taken from the Liturgy of the Hours for this Sunday’s Office of Readings. What I call: The biography of Augustine Pope Benedict would have wanted to write. One of the things that Augustine (and I) stresses in the Donatist heresy, that lead to the schism of a false church of the “pure”, is the materialistic error about sacraments. Their heresy lead to schism, a sanctimonius pitting of altar against altar. By coincidence, there is overlap with the Scripture readings from today’s Mass in the Extraordinary Form and the Office of Readings in the Ordinary Form, as will become plain. Finally, I offer my sermon for the Extraordinary Form Mass I celebrated this day, the 18th Sunday after Pentecost, 2013. I talk about reactions to Pope Francis and about what adjustments we are going to have to make and why. WARNING: Sometimes, I don’t know why, the podcast just stops. What I have done, is simply scroll to the end to help the whole thing download. You can download it, too. The "Kyrie" was from this album, from the Canons at Sant'Antimo - CLICK Share/Bookmark