The C.O.W.S. w/ Haunani-Kay Trask - Nov 05,2009

The_C.O.W.S. show

Summary: University of Hawai'i professor Haunani-Kay Trask will share her views on the System of White Supremacy. Professor Haunani-Kay Trask is author of From a Native Daughter: Colonialism and sovereignty in Hawai'i - which examines how White Supremacists have abused native Hawiians(non-white people). Professor Trask also produced the film Act of War: The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation; she examines why native Hawaiians are completely justified in feeling anger towards White people. [The C.O.W.S. archives:] CALL IN NUMBER: 760.569.7676 CODE 564943# SKYPE: FREECONFERENCECALLHD.7676 CODE 564943# Invest in The COWS -