The C.O.W.S. w/ Betsy Leondar-Wright - Nov 08,2009

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Summary: Admitted White Supremacist Betsy Leondar-Wright will share her views on the System of White Supremacy. Betsy Leondar-Wright was the former Communications Director for United for a Fair Economy; she also co-authored Color of Wealth. Leondar-Wright's portion of the book provides exemplary information on how the government(System of White Supremacy) is engineered to give hand outs and welfare to White people. She even provided personal information to evidence how being White has aided her in accumulating wealth and resources. [The C.O.W.S. archives:] CALL IN NUMBER: 760.569.7676 CODE 564943# SKYPE: FREECONFERENCECALLHD.7676 CODE 564943# Invest in The COWS -