Critical Mass Radio Show September 5, 2013 Sonia Marsh and Doug Boutwell

Critical Mass Radio Show show

Summary: Sonia Marsh, Author of Freeways to Flip-Flops was living in Lake Forest, California when she decided to pack up her family and move them from Orange County to Belize.  "Freeways to Flip-Flops" chronicles Sonia's realization that paradise isn't always a destination, but an appreciation of the simple things in life.  Sonia's second book, "My Gutsy Story Anthology", was released on September 1st and a portion of the proceeds with be donated to WomanSage.Doug Boutwell, Founders of Totally Rad! Inc. is a photo pro turned software creator that found success in photo editing software and iPhone apps.  Doug and his wife created Totally Rad! Inc. and developed RadLab, the widely used desktop digital photo editing program for Photoshop.  Doug's most recent creation, PicTapGo, is an iPhone app that features 55 different customizable filters