Stuart Zadel – 5 Property Investment Commodities

Stuart Zadel :: Napoleon Hill » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Stuart Zadel, Australia’s Freshest Wealth Educator, shows us some enlightening facts and figures just published regarding property investing, and the minimum wage/income you need to replace your income. He also reveals 5 specific property investment commodities and how you can use them to your advantage. Hi guys and welcome; this is Stuart. I want to share with you a couple of minutes on this video some education; more about the big picture of creating wealth. Now many people elect to do that through property and being a property investor. So, I’ll start by just putting it up here, is that people want to be a property investor. They think it’s going to give them financial freedom. I want to share with you some of the recent facts I saw in a study that’s published and I’ve got that here. I’ll read it out as I go; it is done by a consultancy firm in Australia called the BDRC Jones Donald Group, and they survey there for 500 Australian residential property investors and they found that just 6% of these people, just 6% of property investors actually earn an income enough to replace their current income. I think it is a great thing or a great goal where you want to replace your current income, so it is a good goal. Yet through this strategy, people buy, hoarding and renting investment properties, and only 6% of them are achieving their goal. Now, what’s even more interesting is to dive into the facts a little bit more of these people. The average value of the property they have to earn to do that was 915,000 dollars, now that is not a cheap piece of property by any stretch of imagination. Not only that, they have to earn four of them for an average of $3.9 million worth of property to earn the rental income, sufficient to replace their income. The interesting thing also says that they have an average household income of $111,000. Now, I don’t know about you but that is well above the average Australian wage. The average Australian wage is about $63,000, yet here it’s saying to make it financially, earn an income sufficient to replace your income from rental properties, you no longer have to be buying another $915,000 out of most peoples’ league, you’ll only need four of them but you need an income, or a household income of $111,000. I think this is a little out of the reach of the average Aussie. Now, true, many of you watching this and certainly our market place and my average customer or clientele is certainly above average. They’re educated, they’re in fairly good money and they’re looking to do some pretty good stuff. I want to suggest to you a different way to look at this and that is not necessary to be a passive investor, we want to be a little bit more active and I believe you can be a property entrepreneur. Don’t get scared; big words; it is very simple; anyone of you can do it. Now I like to demonstrate by having this mindset and I believe you can achieve your dreams a lot quicker than the traditional investment group. So I want to suggest to you as an entrepreneur, there’s a minimum of five specific commodities that you want to be looking to buy in the market place, certainly from a residential real estate point of view, that we’re going to add value and make or achieve your financial freedom a whole lot quicker. So let’s look at them. The first one you want to be looking at is probably the most obvious one. You want to look at buying a commodity with a discount in the market. Now when I say commodity, obviously you’ve got oil, gold, and precious metals and wheat and all, they are just commodities in the market. There are also commodities in the residential real estate market place and one of them is to buy at a discount. If you can buy at a discount, the old saying goes, “you make your money, when you buy”, absolutely. So we want to buy direct from the seller or through an agent, not through a marketing group. Now understand, a marketing group puts a pretty significant commission for their reference, and I belie[...]