Surrender to Your Dreams

Paleo, Love & Transformation show

Summary: Hi friends! You may have noticed that I haven't recorded a podcast for several weeks! I'm sorry if you've been missing them! I promise you that the unfolding thats been happening in my life the last couple months and the fruits that are coming from it will makeup for the lapse. In this episode, I'm sharing the amazing new revelations that have been coming to me that has led to profound levels of peace, happiness and presence in my life. Whats happening for me is possible for you, and my intention is that you know yourself as capable of creating and receiving your hearts deepest desires, whether it be for family, career, relationship, adventure, contribution...or all of them like me! These are the classes I've been participating in lately that I referenced in the episode. This list is in no way exhaustive, just what I've called to me. If you're interested in going deeper into your life's purpose, my best advice is to check them out, talk with others about the stuff they've done, and ask yourself what is best for you now. Beyond the chatter of your mind, allow the answer to come to you. Once you have it, trust it, and go for it!! Also, be straight with yourself as to whether a "NO" is a real no or fear/resistance. I PROMISE you that the real you wants to experience greater self expression, peace and happiness, and the ego would much prefer to keep things status quo. Here and here are a couple posts about that if this is confusing to you.  Beginner:  Landmark Education: This is the gateway drug into the world of transformation. In my opinion, participating in the Landmark Forum it is the cheapest and fastest way to experience a radical shift in the quality of your life. I have dont most of their programs at this point, which were foundational in putting me on the beautiful path I'm on now. PAX: These are softer, fuzzier courses that shift your perception of and relationship to men and yourself as a woman (most courses are just for women or co-ed). I particularly loved the Queen Course. Men & Sex was fun, too :)  FamilyCo.: Peter and Jennifer are good friends of mine. They're just getting started leading programs that transform whats possible for families and relationships. It is a similar flavor to Landmarks programs, but specific to relationship and partnership. Advanced: Tribal Truth: For sure sign-up for Tanya's mailing list. Her Tuesday emails are amazing. The focus here is empowering women as entrepreneurs, healing relationships between men and women, and integrating the masculine/feminine polarities in yourself. Many of her programs are in San Diego, but she has some new workshops popping up in other spots, too. Wonderful.  Abraham Hicks: Holy guacamole, I've been listening to this YouTube channel everyday for the last couple weeks. AMAZING. Access Consciousness: I am about to embark on a 5-day course that I expect to rock my world. This is probably not the first step in ones journey of transformation. I have done just a couple short sessions so far, and the effects have been far-reaching. More to come :) Connect with Camille: Recipe Rx Facebook Paleo Cooking at Home: Fast Cheap & Easy (new program)