023 RR Book Club: Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns with Kent Beck

The Ruby Rogues show

Summary: What is the rule or pattern? Kent said, "I am in terror of not understanding stuff." Learn to feel good about ambiguous situations. "Most of the problems being dealt with by programmers are caused by programmers." Programming at its best is an act of empathy. "Patterns are what you get when you run out of language." Composed Method Double Dispatch coerce Collection management Know your language features Ruby and Smalltalk solve common problems. Shortcut Method Naming patterns Question: I recognize some ideas from SBPP in later works by other authors, e.g. I think “Clean Code” by Robert Martin can be seen as the heir to SBPP. Do you agree? Question: What’s your opinion about the future of Smalltalk? Question: Do you think the latest Smalltalk’s community efforts such as Pharo, Seaside, Amber (previously known as JTalk), etc. could put Smalltalk again in the limelight? Question:  Do you think Smalltalk is worth learning by current programmers? Objects are just an inch under the class. Question: I thought I heard a couple of years ago that you were working on a “Ruby Best Practice Patterns” book with one of the ex-Hashrocket guys. Any truth to this? Any plans for making a ruby version of this book? Question: Any chance of an e-book version of SBPP appearing? Question: How does he balance between learning new or current things versus going back to old (say more than 10 yrs old) publications? Picks SQL Cookbook(David) Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties, (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)(David) TDD Videos by Kent Beck on PragProg (James) keyword params for Ruby by Avdi Grimm (James) steampunk laptops (James) coderwall (Josh) pinktocat shirt (Josh) priceline.com (Avdi) Gregg Pollack screencast (Avdi) eXMP - rcodetools gem (Avdi) Rooibos tea (Kent) d3 project from Michael Bostock (Kent) Shapes, Flow, and Branches by Phillip Ball (Kent) railties Heil PR-40 Hivelogic Podcasting Recommendations PodcastAnswerMan.com